Brandi Labhart My story probably begins in 2008. I was just married and we were trying to have a family. I was having fertility issues and began eating for emotional comfort. Now, this had always been somewhat of a coping mechanism for me but I just let it get out of control. Fast forward to 2012 when we were taking family pictures after the birth of my second child. I got the picture back and felt as though I was staring at a stranger. I was very much overweight and honestly just realized how bad it was. After a quick pity party, I decided I was going to make a change. I started taking Zumba classes in Hardinsburg, KY where I worked at the time. No dieting, just exercise. And I started losing weight. I became more confident with exercise and began to love it. I then accepted a position at ARI here in Tell City in 2013 so I walked into Everbodys and signed up. I was very nervous but started taking Zumba classes which I was used to. Everyone, was so accepting that I began taking a couple other classes. Then, my Zumba Instructor, Joyce Stath, started teaching Tabata. She said it would be a kick ass workout that I wouldn't want to miss out on. I decided to take the plunge and try it out. I WAS HOOKED! I took it for a year from her and Breanne then got brave enough to ask Breanne if she needed another instructor. I love teaching Tabata and pushing others the way I was pushed. Since joining the gym, I have participated in a Biggest Loser in which I won for my team as well as coached a couple of teams. I had hip surgery this past summer and truly believe I have had such a great recovery due to being so healthy beforehand. If you also don't know the person you have become, my advice would be just start. You don't have to go all in, you just have to start. I promise the family at Everbodys will be there to support you. I love my Everbodys family and the many friends I've made along the way. -Brandi Labhart
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Tell City, IN 47586 |
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